jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

she is the one

I was her she was me 
We were one we were free 
And if there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

We were young we were wrong 
We were fine all along 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

When you get to where you want to go 
And you know the things you want to know 
You're smiling 
When you said what you want to say 
And you know the way you want to play, yeah 
You'll be so high you'll be flying 

Though the sea will be strong 
I know we'll carry on 
'cause if there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

When you get to where you want to go 
And you know the things you want to know 
You're smiling 
When you said what you want to say 
And you know the way you want to say it 
You'll be so high you'll be flying 

I was her she was me 
We were one we were free 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
Yeah she's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
She's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
She's the one 

If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

She's the one

the women in blue is the one, she is the chosen one.

si señoras y señores la mujer de azul es la escogida la numero uno en mi lista                                           de preferencias lo es todo para mi. Porque esta  en esa posición
yo os respondo que esta ahí por méritos propios se lo ha ganado por hacerme 
sentir feliz, por estar ahí siempre es la mejor persona que os podéis echar a la 
cara no es egoísta siempre me ayuda siempre me anima cuando lo necesito,
es una mujer de los pies a la cabeza y la amo con locura. La mujer de azul 
es para mi como el aire que respiro es esencial para mi vida sin ella, mi vida 
perdería todo el sentido. ¿Y queréis saber como le da sentido a mi vida?
Muy fácil por ser como es y no querer cambiar delante mio, hay mucha gente
que delante tuyo se comporta de una forma y a tu espalda de otra.
Ella no, no es así es igual  en tu cara que en tu espalda y eso es de agradecer.
Por eso es el top one de mis preferencias

la mujer de azul te quieroooo con locura!!!

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